Guidelines for Leaders and Tail-end-Charlies (TECs)



Leaders should review the walk-map (if available)to familiarise themselves with the route and suggested stops. They  should have a good working knowledge of the intended walk route, and be flexible about morning tea and lunch stops. It is a good idea to do the walk a short time before the official Group walk, to refresh memory, to get an idea of timing, and to be aware of any recent changes to the route.

Leaders do not have to be experts at everything. If a walk requires particular skills (e.g. map and compass, GPS navigation, first aid, etc) leaders should ensure that there is someone in the group with the  necessary competence.

If there is doubt about weather, Leaders should consult with Walks Coordinators and make a decision about cancellation.

Leaders should meet their group at Motueka Recreation Centre carpark, welcoming any visitors and guests; then make sure everyone has transport and is aware of the transport koha. Leaders who are not able to be at the Recreation Centre should arrange a substitute to do this.

Leaders must brief their groups at the start of each walk about the route, distances, times, potential risks and hazards, and likely stopping points fro refreshments.

If a group appears too large for safety and enjoyment, Leaders/TECs may confer with Walks Coordinators about selecting a second Leader/TEC and moving as two parties.

Leaders/TECs should manage the speed and progress of their group in terms of the guidelines above. In some situations it may be OK to spread out along an uncomplicated easy path provided lead walkers wait at a certain point, but in most cases it is better to keep together.

Leaders/TECs should manage the speed and progress of their group in terms of the guidelines. It may be OK to spread out along an uncomplicated easy track provided lead walkers wait at a certain point, but in most cases it is better to keep together.

Leaders /TECs should have their group take breaks for drinks, snacks, catchup, etc at regular intervals. It is unwise to travel for more than one hour without a stop, but stopping frequency will vary according to terrain, weather (particularly temperature), party fitness, track conditions, etc. Leaders need to be alert and sensitive to individual needs. When taking breaks, make sure everyone has caught up and is rested; don’t start moving the moment the back markers have caught up!

Leaders/TECs become familiar with the use of 2-way radios.\ and conduct a functional test to confirm operation at the start of the walk.

Leaders/TECs should be sure the Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) is with the group, and members know who is carrying it.

Leaders should provide feedback about the track and the walk to the Walks Coordinators.

Leaders should select someone to provide a brief report at the next monthly meeting of the Group.